

2019-01-19 11:24:22发布   信息编号:6502670  
公司: 深圳中天艺术品管理有限公司
联系人: 颜总(管理人员)
所在地: 广东 - 深圳,深圳市南山区东滨路4351号荔源广场B座806
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:THzhongtianyishu


光绪元宝是清代光绪年间特有的一种货币。有着清朝货币特征,由于当时时局不稳定,因此几乎在全国的各个省都有专门的货币铸造厂。因此我们会发现那个时代的货币上都有鲜明的铸字,标明是哪个省的造币厂铸造的。 广东省造币厂铸造的光绪元宝的币值有有七钱二分、三钱六分、一钱四分四厘、七分二厘、三分六厘,其中库平七分二厘银币,存世甚少,是近代机制银币之著名珍品,价值高。 该币一面珠圈中间书“光绪元宝”上部书“广东省造”下部书“库平七分二厘”另一面中间饰立龙纹,周围书英文字母,该币文字工整,书写流畅,纹饰精美,工艺制作精细,包浆老旧,存世稀少,具较好的收藏价值。

       因清代以来经历了多场战争,龙纹光绪元宝损失严重,至今,数量已经极其有限。龙纹光绪元宝,这种元宝非常独特,它所代表的不仅仅是金钱,还有光绪年间的 经济情况。为此,众多收藏家都纷涌而至,期望能够找出保留完好的光绪元宝,以满足清代经济研究所需。


Yuan bao of the guangxu dynasty was a special currency in the qing dynasty. With the characteristics of qing dynasty's currency, there were special money foundries in almost every province of China due to the unstable situation at that time. Therefore, we will find that the money of that era has distinctive characters on it, indicating which province's mint made it.Of guangdong province mint guangxu wing currency has seven binary, three money six points, four mile a money four points, seven points two li, three cent six li, including library seven cent two li ping silver COINS, only a little, is a famous modern mechanism of silver treasures, and high value.The currency a bead circle middle book "guangxu ingots" upper book "made in guangdong province" lower "library seven cent two li ping" among the other act the role of dragon, around the book English letters, the currency text neatly, the writing is fluent, exquisitely patterned, fine craft, old old wrapped slurry, exiguous, with good collection value.Since the qing dynasty, there have been many wars, and the yuanbao of the guangxu emperor of longwen suffered serious losses. Up to now, the number has been extremely limited. Dragon grain guangxu yuan bao, this kind of yuan bao is very unique, it represents not only money, but also the economic situation during the guangxu period. For this reason, a large number of collectors have rushed to find the well-preserved guangxu yuanbao to meet the needs of the qing dynasty economic research institute.Longyang is the originator of the silver yuan, the earliest silver yuan in China, equivalent to the first set of RMB in the collection. The other dragons in the Chinese traditional culture is the symbol of power, nobility and honor, the teacher of this coin is from the industry authority and pound, and the identification certificate, issued by extremely collection value and tasting, can not make, more substantial appreciation of the space.

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