
the Fluorinated Chemicals

2024-04-25 17:29:29发布   信息编号:9776952  
公司: 绿证(厦门)检测技术有限公司
联系人: 郭海亮(工程师)
所在地: 福建 - 厦门,厦门市同安区城西2里54号
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:Guohailiang19800507

电话:0592-7019676 手机:18950010807

There are many states and cities that have banned products that contain ANY amount of PFA's. BPI does not allow any - no PFA's as ingredients in the product. Sometimes talc will have naturally occurring Fluorine which is allowed up to 100ppm but you have to show that it is naturally occurring( as in my example of talc.)

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