
加州能效Title 20 ; Title 24 JA8怎样做

2019-06-04 18:23:45发布   信息编号:6428954  
公司: 深圳南方立讯检测有限公司
联系人: 罗生(销售人员)
所在地: 广东 - 深圳,深圳市光明新区公明街道办文阁路中裕绿色高新产业园B
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:migu23qyni3y22


加州能效Title 20 & Title 24 JA8怎样做,请电话,QQ咨询罗工

In California, manufacturers of federally and state-regulated appliances are required to certify their appliance efficiency data and other information to the California Energy Commission (Energy Commission).
Light Laboratory is accredited and approved test laboratory for CEC testing.
We help you to walk through the entire process to get your product certified and listed in the CEC appliance database system (MAEDBS).
Evaluate spec sheets and catalog number and define models to be listed on CEC database.
Define minimum test plan. Define test samples required to complete test.
Test performed in phases

0 : Electrical Measurement
1st : Start Time.
2nd : Dimming Level.
3rd : Flicker Tests for each drivers.
4th : Audible Tests for each drivers.
5th : LM-79 Tests - 3 samples each.
6th : Insitu Tests - 3 samples each.
CEC Title 24 Compliance Report
Submit to CEC for certification and listed on MAEDBS database

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