
OK 74.46焊条

2024-04-12 15:16:40发布   信息编号:3072838  
公司: 河北菲凡焊接材料有限公司
联系人: 杨经理(业务经理)
所在地: 河北 - 邢台,清河县工业区
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:feifanhancai

电话:0319-5531528 手机:18132934156

OK 74.46 is an LMA electrode alloyed with 0.5% Mo for welding steels for pressure vessels. The running characteristics make it suitable for welding joints in inclined positions. The composition of the coating is adapted for welding with low currents, making OK 74.46 very suitable for the welding of pipes.

OK 74.46焊条

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