

说明 主要成分:NPK18%、氨基酸≥10%、腐殖酸15%、有机质20%,含有钙、铁、硼、锌等多种中微量元素及多种活性营养 功能特点:1、本品根据有益单细胞藻类的营养需求特点,采用肥水多肽、氨基酸、有机质、活性磷、钾、钙、镁、硅等营养元素和酵母菌、乳酸菌,芽孢杆菌,光合细菌等有益菌群,三效合一,浓缩而成的快速高效肥水颗粒,肥力强劲,肥效更持久。2、快速培育硅藻、绿藻等优良单细胞藻类,抑制青苔及蓝藻等不良藻类滋生,多肽、氨基酸强化培育轮虫等鱼虾蟹的天然饵料,促进鱼虾蟹投苗后的快速生长,降低饵料系数。3、本品富含大量氨基酸、微量元素能快速被藻类吸收利用,营造良好水色,有效维持水体藻相平衡,稳定水体PH值,增加溶氧量,保持水体鲜活,减少鱼虾应激反应。4、养殖中后期水色发暗,悬浮微粒多、水体老化时,施用本品追肥,激活水体,保持良好水色。、 用发用量:1、精养池、地膜池早春肥水、冬棚培藻:本品每袋可用8-10/亩/1米深水面,2、普通水塘肥水,用克;瘦水糖可适当增加用量。3、养殖中后期追肥:本品每袋可用10-20/亩/1米深水面 Main ingredients: NPK>18%, more than 10% amino acids, humic acid is more than 15%, more than 20% of organic matter, calcium, iron, boron, trace elements and a variety of nutrients in zinc and other activities Features: 1, this product according to the characteristics of nutritional needs of beneficial algae, using fertilizer peptides, amino acids, organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon and other nutrients and yeast, lactic acid bacteria, bacillus, photosynthetic bacteria and other beneficial bacteria, three in one, fast and efficient fertilizer particle concentration and fertility strong, lasting fertilizer.2, the rapid development of diatoms, green algae and other excellent unicellular algae, moss and algae and other harmful algae inhibiting peptides, amino acids to breed, strengthen the cultivation of rotifers natural bait fish and shrimp, fish and shrimp to promote rapid growth of investment after seedling, lower feed coefficient.3, this product rich in amino acidsTrace elements, can quickly be absorbed by algae, create a good color, effectively maintain the algae phase equilibrium, stable water pH value, increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in water, keep fresh fish, reduce the stress response of.4, breeding in the late dark color, suspended particles, water aging, the application of fertilizer, activated water, keep good color, With the dosage: 1, ponds, pond spring water film, winter shed Phycomycetes: This product is available in each bag 8-10/ mu /1 meters deep water, 2 ordinary pond fertilizer, with grams of sugar; thin water may be appropriate to increase the amount of fertilizer in the late.3, breeding: This product is available in each bag 10-20/ mu /1 meters deep water

氨基酸粒粒肥 氨基酸粒粒肥

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