
3吨卧式水箱价格 卧式车载水箱厂家直销

2024-01-03 09:48:01发布   信息编号:2345807  
公司: 重庆市赛普塑料制品有限公司
联系人: 刘章傲(销售人员)
所在地: 重庆 - 九龙坡,重庆江津德感工业园区石稻路1888号
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:spslwsf



3 ton horizontal water tank

车载卧式运输箱 卧式塑料水箱3吨卧式水箱酸碱运输箱厂家直销

Vehicle horizontal transport box, horizontal plastic water tank, 3 ton horizontal water tank, acid and alkali transportation box, direct selling factory


Introduction of 3000 liter horizontal water tank:


Product polyethylene storage tanks, horizontal storage tanks are equipped with high-density ring stiffener, the overall strength of high PE storage tank equipment is the storage of chemical corrosion liquid, acid base solution, room temperature solution, such as the ideal storage container.


Horizontal water tanks are widely used in petroleum, chemical, power and other fields. The main graphite modified polypropylene tubular heat exchanger, falling film absorber, water injection pump, polypropylene vacuum metering tank, vertical and horizontal storage tank, vacuum filter and other non-standard products.


3000 liters horizontal water tank transportation and installation process, we need to pay attention to the following points:


In 1, the PE tank equipment lifting, suggested in the tank top rings position, with high-strength tape or lifting rope (diameter of more than 25mm). When fork or truck is used to adjust the position of the tank, the fork is advised to wear a cushion.


2. Operate carefully to prevent sharp objects from tools, scaffolding or other objects from hitting the plastic tank equipment. The operator enters the PE tank equipment should wear soft soled shoes. When using ladders, contact areas with plastic corrosion protection equipment shall be extended to prevent surface scratching or local overload.


3 > in order to avoid the PE tank equipment lifting swing out of control, should be in the tank top change position, boot rope.


4 > equipment is not allowed to pile up on other objects, so as to avoid the structural part and internal force imbalance of plastic storage tank equipment.


3000 liter horizontal water tank


Purpose: saipu plastic horizontal water tank placed smoothly, low gravity fixed, liquid storage stability, widely used in chemical agents, chemical raw materials, all kinds of oil storage, transportation, beverage. Vehicular storage tanks can store and transport sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and other acidic liquids. It is the first choice for the chemical plant, food factory, water treatment company, individual operation and automobile transportation.

车载卧式运输箱 卧式塑料水箱3吨卧式水箱酸碱运输箱厂家直销

Vehicle horizontal transport box, horizontal plastic water tank, 3 ton horizontal water tank, acid and alkali transportation box, direct selling factory

定做服务:赛普塑业承接各类塑料容器新品开发,提供来样加工、来图加工、来模加工、来料加工等加工方式。 提供定做服务,包括产品设计、模具制造。

Customized services: to undertake all kinds of plastic containers saipu plastic product development, provide sample processing, to map processing, mold processing, processing and other processing methods. Provide customized service, including product design, mold manufacturing.


Chongqing saipu plastic products


Contact: Liu

联系电话: QQ

Contact number: QQ

3吨卧式水箱价格 卧式车载水箱厂家直销 3吨卧式水箱价格 卧式车载水箱厂家直销

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