
10吨塑料储罐价格 PE塑料水箱价格 只要4600块

2024-01-03 09:48:01发布   信息编号:2345768  
公司: 重庆市赛普塑料制品有限公司
联系人: 刘章傲(销售人员)
所在地: 重庆 - 九龙坡,重庆江津德感工业园区石稻路1888号
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:spslwsf


滚塑立式水箱 10吨PE塑料储罐 重庆生产直销 塑料水箱

Rotational vertical water tank of 10 tons of PE plastic tank production Chongqing direct plastic water tank


product details

品牌 :赛普

Brand: Sapp

是否有现货: 认证: CQC

Is it available: Certified: CQC

类型: 聚乙烯储罐

Type: Polyethylene storage tank

材质: 滚塑储罐 容积: 10立方

Material: plastic tank volume: 10 cubic meters

重量: 230kg

Weight: 230kg

型号:PT-10000 规格: 各种规格

Model: PT-10000 specification: various specifications


Service: it can be specially made to order

库存: 299

Stock: 299

“滚塑立式水箱 10吨PE塑料储罐 重庆生产直销 塑料水箱”详细介绍

The rotational vertical water tank of 10 tons of PE plastic tank production Chongqing direct plastic water tank are introduced in detail.


Characteristics of 10 ton vertical plastic water tank:


"Because of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) structure and excellent performance of rotational tank special, long service life of 15 years. A: forming a rotational molding process, and smooth without weld, no leakage, LLDPE imports of raw materials processing, anti ultraviolet aging resistance, acid and alkali resistance, impact resistance, not easy to break, long service life.


Chemical resistance is very excellent, in addition to a small number of solutions can swelling it, almost all of the material can withstand most of the solution.


Plastic storage tank has the characteristics of internal and external anti-corrosion, can be placed in a high corrosive environment, strong ultraviolet resistance, can be placed outdoors.


"Plastic anti-corrosion tank has a unique advantage in large size large volume products, despite the large volume, but still only features forming a whole, this is the other tank process is not up to the place.


Compared with the traditional anti-corrosion tank, it is light weight, convenient installation, low price, high performance price ratio.


Plastic storage tank once forming, integrity, no welding seam, no leakage, strong impact resistance, tensile strength, anti-oxidation, anti-aging properties, and meet the health food standards.

滚塑立式水箱 10吨PE塑料储罐 重庆生产直销 塑料水箱

Rotational vertical water tank of 10 tons of PE plastic tank production Chongqing direct plastic water tank


Service: free hole, hot melt welding mounting flange. It can be equipped with mixing motor, ground pump and other equipment.

定做服务:赛普塑业承接各类塑料容器新品开发,提供来样加工、来图加工、来模加工、来料加工等加工方式。 提供定做服务,包括产品设计、模具制造。

Customized services: to undertake all kinds of plastic containers saipu plastic product development, provide sample processing, to map processing, mold processing, processing and other processing methods. Provide customized service, including product design, mold manufacturing.


Chongqing saipu plastic products


Contact: Liu

联系电话: QQ

Contact number: QQ

10吨塑料储罐价格 PE塑料水箱价格 只要4600块 10吨塑料储罐价格 PE塑料水箱价格 只要4600块

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