

2023-04-04 10:25:52发布   信息编号:12769694  
公司: 深圳市肯达信企业管理顾问有限公司
联系人: 陈小姐(销售人员)
所在地: 广东 - 深圳,龙岗区平湖街道华南城华利嘉电子市场
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:cts604

电话:0755-89335156 手机:18575592846

5.0 Managing verified claimed product during production 在生产过程中管理经过验证的认证产品

5.1 The Organization shall demonstrate control over the flow of products within the unit. e.g. processing/

manufacturing steps performed), recipes used, composition, and stock quantities. 组织应证明对其单位内产品流的控制。(例如执行的加工/制造步骤,使用的配方,成分和库存数量)。

5.2 Claimed materials or verified products shall be clearly identified as they move through production. This may include, but is not limited to, direct labeling of claimed materials or verified products, machines, storage vessels, or storage areas


5.3 Claimed materials shall be stored separately from non – claimed materials and verified products shall be separated from other products of the same type. Extra precautions shall be taken where claimed materials or products are being shipped, stored or produced alongside non – claimed materials or products of the same type to ensure that no accidental commingling, confusion, or substitution occurs. 认证的物料应与无认证的物料分开存放,认证产品应与同类产品分开存放。当认证材料或产品与同类型的非认证材料或产品一起装运、存储或生产时,应采取额外的预防措施,以确保不会发生意外的混合、混淆或替代。

5.4 For each product group or job order, the organization shall identify the main processing steps involving a change of material volume or weight and specify the conversion factor(s) for each processing step or, if not feasible, for the total processing steps. The organization shall have a consistent methodology for calculating conversion factor(s) and shall keep them up to date. 对于每个产品组或作业订单,组织应确定涉及材料体积或重量变化的主要加工步骤,并规定每个加工步骤的换算系数,如果不可行,应规定整个加工步骤的换算系数。组织应具有一致的换算系数计算方法,并应使其保持Z新。

5.5 The organization shall prepare reports of annual volume summaries (in the measurement unit commonly used by the organization), covering the period since the previous reporting period, demonstrating that the quantities of output products sold with verified claims are compatible with the quantities of inputs, any existing inventory, their associated output claims, and the conversion factor(s).


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