
包安装锌钢铁艺栅栏 肇庆新建厂房围墙栏杆 公园防爬栅

2022-01-21 16:58:28发布   信息编号:12515033  
公司: 佛山安永特金属制品有限公司
联系人: 何经理(业务经理)
所在地: 广东 - 佛山, 佛山市南海区里水镇逢涌村夏西工业区21号
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:H2017514

电话:13570273297 手机:18679953263

包安装锌钢铁艺栅栏 肇庆新建厂房围墙栏杆 公园学校防爬栅栏

工厂地址:  佛山市南海区和桂工业园夏西工业区(百度或高德地图搜索)长期开工,欢迎新老客户前来考察!生产各种市政护栏/道路护栏/人行道栏杆/围墙护栏/车间隔离网/基坑临边护栏/工地围挡/桃型柱护栏网/工厂围墙护栏网/高速公路声屏障/波形板护栏/双圈护栏网/桥梁防抛网/公路防抛落物网/金属钢板网/球形立柱/钢格栅/焊接栅栏等

Advantages of bilateral guardrail: 1 The grid structure is concise, beautiful and practical; 2. It is convenient for transportation and installation is not limited by topographic relief; 3. It has strong adaptability, especially for mountainous, sloping and multi curved areas; 4. The price is medium and low, which is suitable for large area. Several problems needing attention in the installation of bilateral guardrail: 1. When installing bilateral guardrail, it is necessary to accurately grasp the data of various facilities, especially the accurate location of various pipelines buried in the subgrade. It is not allowed to cause any damage to underground facilities during construction. 2. When the column of the guardrail is driven too deep, the column shall not be pulled out for correction. When the foundation needs to be re rammed (Ben), it shall be driven again, or the position of the column shall be adjusted. When approaching the depth during construction, the hammering force shall be controlled.




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