

2021-01-16 08:27:11发布   信息编号:11794563  
公司: 临沂德拓化工有限公司
联系人: 梅心烨(销售人员)
所在地: 山东 - 临沂,山东省临沂市罗庄区册山街道
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:mxy807072897


丙烯酸羟乙酯的用途:该品可与丙烯酸及酯、丙烯腈、丙烯酰胺、氯乙烯、苯乙烯等很多单体进行共聚,所得产品可用于处理纤维,提高纤维的耐水性、耐溶剂性、防皱性和防水性;还用于制造性能优良的热固性涂料、合成橡胶,用作润滑油添加剂等。在粘合剂方面,与乙烯基单体共聚,可改进其粘接强度。在纸加工方面,用于制涂层用丙烯酸乳液,可提高其耐水性和强度。用于辐射固化体系中的活性稀释剂和交联剂,亦可作为树脂交联剂,塑料、橡胶改性剂。Application of hydroxyethyl acrylate:This can be used with acrylic acid and esters, acrolein, acrylonitrile, acrylamide, acrylonitrile, vinyl chloride, styrene and other monomers are copolymerized, the product can be used for processing the fiber, improve the fiber water resistance, solvent resistance, wrinkle resistance and water resistance; also used in the manufacture of high performance thermosetting coatings, synthetic rubber, as lubricating oil additives.In a binder, with a vinyl monomer copolymerization, can improve the bonding strength.In paper processing, used for coating with acrylic emulsion, which can improve the water resistance and strength.For radiation curing system of reactive diluent and a crosslinking agent, and can also be used as a resin crosslinking agent, plastic, rubber modifier. 包装: 200公斤塑料桶/铁桶、吨桶、槽罐散水。Packing : 200kg plastic barrel/iron barrel, ton barrel, Tank.

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