
ISO 50001认证咨询审核更好地利用其能源密集型

2020-07-30 09:50:58发布   信息编号:11586297  
公司: 深圳市肯达信企业管理顾问有限公司
联系人: 陈小姐(销售人员)
所在地: 广东 - 深圳,龙岗区平湖街道华南城华利嘉电子市场
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:cts604

电话:0755-89335156 手机:18575592846

What benefits will 

ISO 50001 bring 

to my business­

ISO 50001 is designed to help your organization improve its energy performance through 

making better use of its energy-intensive assets. 

Improved energy performance can provide rapid 

benefits for an organization by maximizing its 

use of energy sources and energy-related assets, 

reducing both cost and consumption.

ISO 50001 is used by large and small organizations all over the world. Its benefits can take many 

forms. For some, it is about reducing the environmental impact and enhancing reputation; for 

others, the aim is to drive down costs and improve competitiveness.

“ISO 50001 has really helped us to ensure we are following a consistent approach to energy management across all our properties. Since implementing the standard, energy management has remained a key focus for our leadership and we continue to seek opportunities to drive our performance to the next level.”

Maxime Verstraete, Vice President of Corporate Responsibility & ADA Compliance at Hilton。

Why was ISO 50001 


Like all ISO standards, ISO 50001 is reviewed every 

five years to ensure it is up to date with market 

requirements. One of the main reasons for updating 

ISO 50001 was to align it with ISO’s requirements for 

management system standards, including its HighLevel Structure (HLS), a framework designed to facilitate the integration of new management topics into 

an organization’s established management systems.

Other key changes compared to the previous edition 

include stronger emphasis on the role of senior management, updates to terms and definitions as well as the normalization and clarification of energy performance indicator (EnPI) and energy baseline (EnB) text to provide a better understanding of these concepts.

ISO 50001认证咨询审核更好地利用其能源密集型

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