
炫酷儿童挖掘机 360度旋转的游乐挖掘机 好玩

2020-02-20 12:28:01发布   信息编号:10226953  
公司: 山东城基工程机械有限公司
联系人: 赵(销售人员)
所在地: 山东 - 济宁,任城区李营街道
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:jy15624090988



Children's play excavator is a kind of real play equipment, which has the same operation function and real sense of operation of Engineering excavator, and is suitable for the whole family to participate in the play equipment.


It can not only train children's ability of brain and hand, but also improve their physical coordination. Foreign psychologists have studied that children's multiple exposure to recreational equipment can not only exercise their bodies, but also significantly improve their intelligence and cognitive ability.


In China, the field of such amusement equipment is almost blank. At present, the common amusement equipment in the city that we have seen for several years or more is the amusement equipment we have played, such as swing machine, carousel, naughty castle, etc., which I believe every parent is familiar with can no longer be familiar with. Such amusement equipment has many shortcomings, single operation, repetitive appearance And entertainment simplicity.

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