

2024-05-13 12:00:14发布   信息编号:10035457  
公司: 深圳市中瑞仪科电子有限公司
联系人: 刘苗婷(销售人员)
所在地: 广东 - 深圳,深圳市宝安区沙井南环路68号创盈大厦
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:szzryk

电话:0755-23203217 手机:15019435923

商品型号:85039B 商品价格:面议或电议 商品详情: 主要技术指标 DC to 3GHz frequency range ?直流至3 GHz的频率范围 主要描述 The Agilent 85039B calibration kit, with option M0F, contains male and female type-F open, short, and load standards. This calibration kit works with all 75 ohm network analyzers and test sets for measurement of devices with 75 ohm type-F connectors. The kit also includes type-N to type-F adapters. More economical versions of this kit are available by ordering option 00F for the female standards0nly, or option 00M for the male standards0nly. This kit is specified from dc to 3 GHz.?

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