

2024-04-07 13:00:25发布   信息编号:12938681  
公司: 北京路盛电源设备有限公司
联系人: 李雨泽(销售人员)
所在地: 北京 - 昌平,北京市昌平区建材城西路87号2号楼1单元1323
价格: 754/只
联系: 微信:chenchcc18


ZEUS储能工业级PC36-12 12V36AH用于直流屏机房UPS消防系统英国货




ZEUS battery, established in 1999 and located in Liverpool, U.K, is a world leader in Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries. As well as having a substantial share of the UK's VRLA market, ZEUS BATTERY exports its products to more than 60 countries worldwide, in the continents of Europe, South America, Central America, Middle East, Africa and USA.

Due to our commitment to provide, high quality, cost effective batteries our customer service is second to none. We pride ourselves on our flexibility and ability to act quickly in bringing new industry leading products to market.

Our products are sold in over 60 countries worldwide for a broad range of electronic and industrial applications, where cost effective DC power is required. We are constantly developing new products to keep pace with industry's rapidly changing needs.


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