

2024-04-19 15:47:34发布   信息编号:12922526  
公司: 绿证(厦门)检测技术有限公司
联系人: 郭海亮(工程师)
所在地: 福建 - 厦门,厦门市同安区城西2里54号
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:Guohailiang19800507

电话:0592-7019676 手机:18950010807

ASTM D8410
BPI is adding assessment ASTM D8410 to our certification program beginning June 1, 2023. ASTM D8410 is a new specification for paper items without plastic coatings desired by the paper industry​. We determined the best and most expedient way to offer assessment to this new standard is to set D6400 as the base assessment standard for all certifications, with assessment to D6868 and D8410 offered as add-ons for eligible items.

ASTM D8410

从2023年6月1日开始,BPI将在我们的认证计划中增加ASTM D8410评估。ASTM D8410是造纸行业所要求的无塑料涂层纸项的新规范。我们确定对新标准进行评估的方便的方式是将D6400作为所有认证的基本评估标准,并将D6868和D8410作为合格项目的附加评估。

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