

2023-04-24 09:55:33发布   信息编号:12786914  
公司: 深圳市肯达信企业管理顾问有限公司
联系人: 陈小姐(销售人员)
所在地: 广东 - 深圳,龙岗区平湖街道华南城华利嘉电子市场
价格: 面议
联系: 微信:cts604

电话:0755-89335156 手机:18575592846

Corrective Actions and Public Explanations 整改和公开说明

Registration Pollution-source data collected by the Blue Map Database includes environmental supervision 

records, automated monitoring data, and data for production suspension, restriction, etc. IPE offers two 

methods, namely Public Feedback or GCA Audit for enterprises to address environmental supervision 

records, rectification orders, production suspension, restriction, safety supervision records, performance 

gradings by the , exemption from production restrictions, cleaner production audits, 

environmental accident risk, environment credit rating and inspection reports.


为协助利益方更好地了解企业针对记录的整改情况,IPE 提供针对违规记录的信息披露和 GCA 审核的处理



For other types of pollution-source data in the Blue Map database, enterprises can only choose to 

provide public feedback.

针对其他类型数据,IPE 为企业提供一种处理方式:信息披露。

For any violations, facilities should issue public explanations regarding the reasons, corrective actions 

undertaken or in progress and current compliance status in a timely manner within 10 working days from 

received the notice letter from IPE. Facilities need to verify the effectiveness of the corrective actions or 

continuously disclose information on corrective actions.


自接收到 IPE 的通知后 10 各工作日内进行公开说明。并需要验证整改的有效性或者持续披露整改及环境合


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